I supervise undergraduate, MEd (project), MA (thesis), and PhD students in the area of Educational Technology with an emphasis on digital, networked, and open educational practices, multi-access and blended synchronous modalities, open scholarship, technology adoption, and personalized and inquiry-based learning. I take supervision seriously and meet weekly via video as a group. Students under my supervision have received SSHRC awards, secured staff positions in university learning technologies units, and one secured a tenure-track faculty position. A select list of current and past graduate learners are below:
Colin Madland – Ph.D. – Aligning online and open pedagogy with indigenous education
Inba Kehoe – Ph.D. – Open scholarship
Janet Symmons – Ph.D. – Open education in higher education
Eunmi Jo – Ph.D. (incoming)
Trevor MacKenzie – M.Ed. – Inquiry in K12 Education
(individual’s name links to their personal website and a full-text URL to project, thesis, or dissertation is also provided)
Paskevicius, Michael (2018). Exploring educators experiences implementing open educational practices (Doctoral dissertation, University of Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from UVic Space: https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/10414.
M.A. (thesis):
McCue, Rich (2016). Exploring the learning outcomes of a flipped learning methodology for post-secondary information literacy students: a mixed methods approach (Master’s thesis, University of Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from UVic Space: https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/handle/1828/7455.
Birch, Amanda. (2010). Preservice teachers’ acceptance of information and communication technology integration in the classroom: applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (Master’s thesis, University of Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from UVic Space: http://hdl.handle.net/1828/2805
M.Ed. (project):
Jackson, Bryan. (2015). A Unit Plan of One’s Own: Digital Pedagogy for Critical Citizenship (Master’s project, University of Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from UVic Space: https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/handle/1828/6947.
Undergraduate (Jamie Cassel’s Undergraduate Research Award):
Silvera, Alexis (2018). Accessibility Innovation in Higher Education Through Telepresence Robots (undergraduate poster, University of Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from UVic Space: https://dspace.library.uvic.ca/handle/1828/10779