Tag Archives: literacy

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Literacy and Learning Symposium: United by Design

It is my pleasure to be a part of the 2015 Literacy and Learning Symposium to be held at the Deerfoot Inn in Calgary, Alberta on October 13-16, 2015. The theme of the event is United by Design: Moving Forward Together, which I love. The Centre for Family (www.famlit.ca) is partnering with the Community Learning Network (www.communitylearning.info) to present this event as a province-wide professional development opportunity for approximately 300 participants who focus on literacy and lifelong learning for adults. The title of my keynote will be Personal Learning Through Partnership: Connecting Learners as Knowledge Nodes. The abstract is as follows:

With ubiquitous Internet access and the prevalence of social media and curation tools, there is an incredible opportunity to remix the roles of teacher and learner, making every person a partner in learning. Adult learners are recognized as knowledge nodes and we’ll share how to harness a learning community through connections.

I will also be doing a session on Oct 16th, entitled #selfiemylearning: Making Learning Visible.

The registration deadline is September 14th with an early bird draw deadline of September 4th. You can register here. I hope to see you there!