I’ll share a bit about how you can connect to some of my social accounts and will provide some sampling or description. Don’t forget to click on the top-level menu links above, though, as they have their own pages of content.
This “launch page” will connect you with most of the social sites I’m active (and inactive) on, including twitter, linkedin, facebook, flickr, youtube, google, and foursquare.
If you are on LinkedIn, please connect with me. I don’t share that frequently on this network, but hopefully the shares I do are worthwhile to you – and you can learn a bit more about me.
As I state in my twitter bio, I tweet work and play. I’m not sure if it will ever cross your “TMI” boundary, but there is research on professors tweeting both work and personal that shows undergraduate students need the personal tweets in order to consider the professor as more credible.
I run a few google communities and I am a Google aps user in much of my workflow. You can join some of the communities that are public, such as TIE Lab Open Hub, EDCI 336 in the Open, Women in EdTech, Technology and Innovation in Education, and Social Media and Personalized Learning.
I use flickr to post some photos. I have to admit that I use twitter as the main vehicle for sharing pics and I know it’s not great for indexing and searching by tags. I have also not become active on Instagram at all (network saturation, but maybe I’ll cave one day). I think, when it comes to photos, I like not being in an album for folks to navigate at will. Twitter makes you work a bit to scroll past what is recent and I’m ok with that for my needs and for the footprint of my children, who I tweet with their permission. If you need to grab a pic for a conference or event I’m involved with, you can pick one from my “work pics” album and download.
I have some videos posted, but I think people might be more interested in the work playlists I keep. I also intend to further take advantage of playlists in my teaching for both K12 and post-secondary, so keep an eye on that.
I am not the most consistent bookmarker as google has been so excellent at finding what I thought I had lost, but feel free to follow my Diigo account and see what my TIE lab group is collecting as well! If you have any great Diigo libraries to share with my #uviced #edci336 #tielab or #tiegrad learners, please forward it! 🙂
I have been a facebook user for personal reasons mostly, but I have since discovered that work people slowly started infiltrating my account, so I’ve reorganized my albums and whatnot to accommodate that. Feel free to friend me! I share here, but again – nothing like twitter, which is where you’ll learn the most about me.
I use swarm (formerly foursquare) in an on-and-off again fashion. It’s mostly when I am travelling at conferences or more mobile.