Invited Talks

I love giving talks or facilitating discussions (the latter is more fun). I can do this either in person or online, so if you have an interest in learning more about what I do or how I see the world, feel free to reach out. I have separated out keynotes, conference presentations, and school professional development sessions, and school connections, so please visit those pages to learn more. Underlined names denote graduate student collaborators at the time of event.

Irvine, V. (2015). Beyond Blended. Guest talk to Technology & Society 400. University of Victoria. I did this one an online guest speaker for the wonderful David Leach.


Irvine, V. (2014). Open research: Redefining compliance. Individual session as part of the panel sponsored by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries on Open access goes mainstream: Supporting the federal research granting agencies’ harmonized OA policy. Presentation to the Canadian Library Association Conference, Victoria, Canada.

Irvine, V. (2014). Multi-Access Learning Design. Guest talk to the Justice Institute of B.C.

Irvine, V. (2014). Multi-Access Learning Design. Guest talk to Ambrose University, Alberta.

Irvine, V. (2014). Multi-Access Learning Design. Guest talk to UBC Faculty of Applied Sciences Centre for Instructional Support.

Irvine, V. (2014). Beyond Blended. Guest talk to Technology & Society 400. University of Victoria.

Irvine, V. (2014). Beyond Blended: Realigning Higher Education for Multi-Access Learning. Guest talk to Department of Computer Science. University of Victoria. [Slideshare]

Irvine, V. (2014). Future directions in Educational Technology. Guest talk to Learning and Teaching with Technology Massive Open Online Course. University of Saskatchewan.

Irvine, V. (2013). Re-aligning higher education for the 21st learner through multi-access learning. Invited talk to the Blendsync Research Network, Australia.

Irvine, V. & Richards, L. (2013, Jan 16). Multi-access learning: Overview and preliminary project data. Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research, Alberta, Canada. [CIDER page | Archived Connect session | Slides]

Irvine, V. (2013). Four movements in education. Guest talk to Technology & Society 400. University of Victoria.

Irvine, V. (2014). Academic Leadership Retreat, University of Victoria. (presented on educational technology and multi-access for University administrators ranging from President to Department Chairs)

Irvine, V. & Roberts, V. (2013, July). Researching the potential of K-12 MOOCs. Research in Review Webinar, International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL).

Irvine, V. (2012, October). Multi-Access Learning. Doctoral Seminar, Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. [Slideshare]

Irvine, V. (2012, October). Openness in Education. Community of Expertise in Educational Technology (CEET) Meet (week-long event for BC Teachers but open for global participation).

Irvine, V. & Code, J. (2012, January). Teaching and learning with technology. Inspiration Series: New Ways of Teaching and Learning, BC Ministry of Education, Victoria, BC.

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