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BlendEd Alberta

I am thrilled to be “unkeynote” for the blendED 2015 Symposium to be held Oct 25-27, 2015 in Edmonton, Alberta. As per their website,

This event is the first of its kind in Alberta and is designed to attract educators, technology coordinators, curriculum developers and administrators from the K-12 sector.  Throughout the event participants will have an opportunity to engage in conversations about online and blended learning in Alberta.  From a hands-on skill-building pre-conference to a closing unKeynote that will tie together the 2-day networking and dialogue, delegates will leave the symposium with new insights, ideas and understandings – most importantly with practical strategies to implement in their own practice.

The symposium, being sponsored in partnership with the Canadian eLearning Network, is organized around five themes:  Research, Pedagogy, Tools, Course Design and Diverse Learning Groups. I’ll be facilitating a “World Cafe” with a panel of thought leaders, including Dr. Cathy Cavanaugh on Monday, October 26, and will put together something interesting as a closing unkeynote on Tuesday, October 27.

Please note the early bird registration rate deadline is July 15th. You can register here.

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